The Atlas presents a unique compilation of human yDNA haplogroup genography and ethnography, available for online visualization and modeling to scholars, researchers, genealogists, and the general public from anywhere in the world. The data offered by this portal open up an unexplored resource to scholars in a variety of fields, allowing for a panoply of new insights into human behavior and social history. The Atlas has conceivable applications in many fields of study: Anthropology, Archaeology, Political Science, Medicine, Criminology, Psychology, Sociology, Epidemiology, and Environmental History and Sustainability, to name a few. A good example of haplogroup modeling comes from the latter. Using the data offered by the Atlas it is possible to model, for example, the amount of arable land forest land, and fresh water controlled by each ancestral haplogroup. The results of this modeling show that certain genetic branches of the human family tree have expanded their use and possession of this natural resources while other branches have seen their portions stagnating or dwindling unsustainably.